Anmälan till uppdrag 4609
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Uppdrag: 4609: Project Manager ()
Roller: Systemutvecklare
Beskrivning: We are now looking for a Project Manager for multiple Project assignments. Calibration equipment within Produce: Our trucks will be equipped with new features that needs calibration equipment. This assignment is to lead the IT development of the cross functional system solution, test activities such as securing test environment, plan and execute test cases etc. Since it is a global development that will be used at many of our sites, the project manager will coordinate the plans and activities together with the sites and various functions. Industrialize: Within our Industrialize domain that manages product changes from initiation to introduction in the plant. We build a solution will manages all milestones and checklists to efficiently introduce product changes. The assignment will be to lead roll out of the system, this includes overall roll out plans and activities that needs to be coordinated together with our different sites.
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