
Anmälan till uppdrag 5163

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Description Competence Profile & Qualifications: To be able to deliver on promise, which is one of our core values, you MUST be skilled in typescript and javascript in NODE.js. Experience from deliveries in Azure environment is crucial. You need to understand how PRISMA is used as a tool together with PostgreSQL as a database. Depending on where you are leaning your specialist skills to, e.g. either frontend or backend, you must have knowledge about NEST.js and/or React. We are using Azure for both hosting and DevOps, thus you need experience from this. We are using Azure even bus for all message handling and integrations, so it is a requirement that you have experience from this. Writing software algorithms for authentication, based on JWS, are very appreciated. This role needs niched competence to be able to manage the art of software development in the team. A good match for this position, is preferably experience from the North Star platform, with experience from Node.JS or React in NEST.js framework. You have documented training for developing software in the VCE Azure platform. Our development stack: Programming language: NodeJS (TypeScript): Our main language for development. Framework: - NestJS: Used for backend development. - React: Used for frontend development. Tools: - Prisma: An ORM tool that we use together with PostgreSQL. - GraphQL: Used to create and consume APIs. - Azure Event Bus: An important tool we use for messaging and integration. - JWT: Used for authentication and security. - Storybook: Used for frontend documentation and UI component management. Databases: PostgreSQL: Our main database. Hosting & DevOps: - Azure: We use Azure for both hosting and DevOps. - Git in Azure DevOps: Used for version control. - CI/CD in Azure DevOps: Used for continuous integration and delivery. Development methodology: Storyboard Driven Development: Our method for driving the development process. Qualifications for the role as a Developer, Professional: Good knowledge of TypeScript and JavaScript. Experience with NestJS for backend and React for frontend. Understanding of GraphQL. Experience of Prisma with PostgreSQL. Knowledge of Azure, especially Event Bus and DevOps. Understanding of JWT based authentication. Experience with Storyboard Driven Development and using Storybook for frontend documentation.

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