
Anmälan till uppdrag 5174

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Data engineer BI
We are one of the largest player in the sports and outdoor retail industry in Scandinavia. In the coming years, we will continue our development with a strong focus on e-commerce and digitalization. We are looking for another data engineer to join our tech hub. The team is responsible for digitalization as well as strengthening the data capabilities, driving innovation and establishing new solutions on the cloud to manage the organization’s vital asset – data. You'll play a pivotal role in strengthening our data capabilities and driving innovation. You'll consolidate and structure data from various sources into our Data Lake, making it ready for Reporting/BI, Analytics, Machine learning, and Integrations. Education: Bachelor's or Master's degree in relevant fields. Comprehensive work experience can compensate for missing formal education 3+ years of experience in a similar position Proficiency in either AWS (Glue, S3, Lambda, EMR) Experience working with Spark, SQL, Node.js, Python, CDK Typescript and Terraform Desired: AWS/Azure certifications, Spark/Databricks certification, Databricks, DBT

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