
Anmälan till uppdrag 5194

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AI & ML Expert
AI,Machine Learning,Python
We are looking for an AI & Machine Learning Expert for an assignment at a new electric mobility technology and solutions brand that is aiming to satisfy the global demand for premium electric vehicles. You need to have a good general knowledge of artificial intelligence and machine learning, being able to have a dialogue with many different people, on many different topics, and deep understanding of computers and operative systems. Additional knowledge of scripting is well considered. Skills required for the role Extensive experience (10+ years) in working with advance technologies and IT systems and tools. Good knowledge of AI, Machine learning and AI training. Deep understanding of computer and operative systems Beneficial hard skills: Scripting (Phyton) Personal attributes Fluent in English. Spoken and written. Excellent team player, resourceful, organized and mindful of time management. Extremely good communication skills. Ability to work in a sometimes stressful and demanding environment. As a AI & Machine Learning expert, you will be part of the Visualization team and work collaboratively with the whole design team. You will work cross projects and play an important role supporting every design department in their needs, building the future of AI in the automotive industry: we want AI to be a tool for design and not a replacement for human hands and minds. You will be focusing on translating designers’ ideas into a comprehensible language for AIs, to produce ideas and inspiration material. You will also work on the development and training of the AIs (mostly stable diffusion) based on our future needs. Main AIs you will work with are Stable Diffusion and Midjourney. Most of the job must be done from the office in Gothenburg, but there is flexibility.

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